The last line, "Black women are not coachable" echoed throughout the digital walls of the world wide web, at least in the corner owned by America.#Redskins Lyndon Antonio Trail asked his followers "Why do black athletes marry white women?" This is how a #MiamiDolphins player responded
— BallerAlert (@balleralert) March 16, 2017
“Black women are not coachable”
We running slant routes or tryna build a relationship? — Creed Bratton (@NIGNORAMUS) March 16, 2017
"Black women are not coachable." This comin from someone who needs to use a sport metaphor in order to feel smart. Ya need a damn LIFE coach
— Patti LaHelle (@_maleficentt) March 16, 2017
"Black women not coachable" aka black women don't let you walk all over us cause you got 3 pennies and a nickel to swallow
— (@Namastaywoke) March 16, 2017
"Black women aren't coachable" first of all just because you have a penis doesn't make you an effective leader
— Tinderella (@DanaeLovesYou) March 16, 2017
He said black women aren't "coachable" fuck outta here we think for OURSELVES we are INDEPENDENT why do niggas feel like women NEED them
— Briahna Anthony (@thatssob) March 16, 2017
"accepts her role" "submit" "coachable"
just say you want a weak bitch that you can control & spare us the paragraphs. — trina (@mawreeze) March 16, 2017
Black women are not coachable. Lol. If you ever think you have to "coach" a woman you consider your life partner… comical.
— briauna augustus (@briaunabonna) March 16, 2017
This man said black women are not coachable... Any man looking to "coach" or "handle" a woman, is a punk ass bitch.
— young juice gawd (@ShellyIfYaNasty) March 16, 2017
"Black women are not coachable"............ yeah white girls y'all can take this one
— ordinary (@_BadGyalNisha) March 16, 2017
"Black women are not coachable" "they believe we should be equal 50/50" lmfaooooo is that supposed to be an insult to BW
— ˈVoʊduː Mašíaḥ (@OhGoshJ) March 16, 2017
@SoBluntImSmokin @WilhSlater "black women are not coachable"
— Crunchy Black (@STDYMBBN) March 16, 2017
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