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10 Health Facts That Will Help You Drink More Water

While we all know we should drink more water, it's easy for many us to forget to actually do it. With all of our responsibilities, we end going through the day without consuming water, and by the end, realize that we're feeling dehydrated. When we go out with friends, they want to buy drinks. And honestly, when you're not used to the taste of water, you might consume it less than you should. But the truth is, water is very, very good for you. It can improve your skin, your hair, and can aid in keeping you from experiencing depression and other health problems. But if you're still not sold, it might help to know the ins and outs of consuming more water. Here are 10 facts that you should know:

Tap Is Your Best Bet

According to reports, tap water is generally healthier for you in terms of chemical and microbiological purity than bottled water. Why? Because of bacterial contamination that has appeared in the plastic bottles of some brands of water.  

Forget Eight Cups, Go For Nine

According to the Institute of Medicine, we all should up our intake of water if possible. An adequate intake for men is three liters of water a day, which is 13 cups, while an adequate intake for women is 2.2 liters, which is about nine cups. But honestly, anything is better than a cup or two.

Drinking Water Before You Eat Can Help You Drop Pounds

Studies have found that drinking water before you consume a meal can help you scarf down fewer calories when you eat. Water can provide a feeling of fullness that helps to curb your hunger faster.  

Carry Water With You

A bottle of water in your bag provides you with easy access to H2o when you're on the go. When you're running errands or busy at work, you don't have the chance to fill up a jug of water like you could at home. But consuming any water is better than going through the day without.

Depression and Dehydration Are Linked

Studies have shown that even mild forms of dehydration can warp your mood, tank your energy levels and impact your thinking. drink water

Fruit Goes a Long Way

Don't enjoy drinking water? While it is refreshing, it doesn't really have a taste to some. Adding lime or lemon juice can improve the taste big time and make your water even more invigorating. water

What's The Most You Can Drink in a Day?

Reportedly, a healthy person can consume about three gallons of water in a day, which is equivalent to 48 cups. Good luck with that... cyclic vomiting syndrome, stomach ache, cramps

You Can Drink Too Much Water

Water intoxication is a real thing, and it often happens in situations where people are taking part in an intense physical activity. It happens when too much water in your system ends up diluting the sodium level in one's bloodstream. In turn, an imbalance of water in the brain occurs.

People With Certain Conditions Shouldn't Drink Too Much Water

According to the experts, people with heart conditions, kidney problems, high blood pressure or an edema (a swelling, particularly in the lower legs in this case) should decrease the amount of water they drink in a day.  At the very least, they should not increase their water intake by too much. Excess water can put people at risk for health complications due to their conditions. water

Millions of People Don't Have Access to Clean Water

According to DoSomething.org, 768 million people across the world lack access to good drinking water. Don't take for granted what you have. Get to drinking!   Images via Shutterstock/Bigstock

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