Being able to watch people get into summer relationships and just waiting to see how long it last #BeingSingleMeans
— 2017 AFRICA (@2017AFRICA) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans endless napping
— TheCommonSenseHour (@CommonSenseHour) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans having the entire bed to yourself
— Grip334 (@grip334) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans you don't have to wait for anybody to watch the next episode of a series
— Laura 惠珍 (@drwatermonkey) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans being an expert on other people's relationships
— Ramon (@ratedR89) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans Being Able To Pass Gas Whenever You Want
— McMannofthepeople (@McMannofthepeop) April 18, 2017
Being single doesn’t mean that u knw nthing about love. Sometimes being solo is wiser than being in a false relationship. #BeingSingleMeans
— Kevin Art (@RealKevinArt) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans having the time and space to focus on my dreams, passions + ambitions- and not constantly shaving my legs all the time
— KirstyAnn Richards (@WildlifeQueen7) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans never having to wonder where your boyfriend is.
— Ash Ketchum (@AshCashsOut) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans leaving your phone on silent and not giving a fk
— J Will Say (@jwillsay) April 18, 2017
#BeingSingleMeans wearing my freakum dresses to every occasion
— J Will Say (@jwillsay) April 18, 2017
The post The Most Real And Relatable #BeingSingleMeans Tweets appeared first on MadameNoire.